
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

It's A Boy!

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bubbles and Blocks

Typically, Lauren is not a fan of baths.
However, with her new duck towel she is all smiles.

She was actually saying "Oh man!" as I
took this picture. Where does she come up with
some of this stuff?


  1. Love these pictures...especially the first one!!! What a little peanut! :)

  2. Like the "voter" tab on the right!:-) Got any names picked out?? Love the pictures of Lauren. So cute!!

  3. I have a REALLY good name picked out for a boy....Scott, Scottie!!!:-) Does that ring a bell? Thought you would like that suggestion! I don't think I will ever forget as long as I live how much he use to annoy you when we were in like 7th & 8th grade, you would get so mad at him - although isn't that all brothers are good for??? wait, even when we were seniors he annoyed you/us!!!:-)
